Monday, July 4, 2016

Portfolio 02

  illustrative works  

Alumni Homecoming Poster 01
250*250 (mm)

Alumni Homecoming Poster 02
210*297 (mm)

Alumni Homecoming Poster 03
250*250 (mm)

Concept Art
1920*1080 (px)

Design Factory Korea
Share Your Moment Poster

Design Factory Korea
Anniversary Breakfast Poster
250*250 (mm)

아리솔 어린이집
Branding Concept 01

아리솔 어린이집
Branding Concept 02

Sunday, April 10, 2016

20160410 Article Summary

VoxBox: a Tangible Machine that GathersOpinions from the Public at Events

This paper gives an introduction to an interactive machine called VoxBox. The idea of VoxBox has come from the fact that people are very reluctant to do surveys. In order to increase the participation of people, they have made this tangible machine that gathers public opinions. VoxBox is consisted of various switches that show different questionnaires. People can view their progress status, and they are given incentives as well. When they complete the given survey they can also review the result as well as the research findings. 

Touchless Interaction in Surgery

The issue lies in maintaining sterility while having hands-on control over the medical image in the surgical setting. So the best solution could be developing touch-less interactive device that allows surgeons to have directly manipulate and navigate the images. And recent innovation of "Kinect" has made it easier to develop such device. One example is the Sunnybrook system from a hospital in Toronto. They use Kinect sensors  to review MRI and CT images in the operating theatre. However, the number of gestures they can use is limited. Though it sounds like a constraint to this design, limited gesture actually poses more positive sense. That is, it may increase the learnability of the system. It may also reduce "gesture bleed" where the system misinterprets a set of kinetic information. Nevertheless, beyond its positive aspect of simplicity, Sunnybrook system also raises problems when it needs more complicated manipulation. So the recent researches have suggested using multi-hand gesture combinations and even voice recognition system. There are other concerns as the socio-technological concerns "including collaboration and control, engagement and disengagement, and image inspection with one hand, two hands, and hands-free." Overall, the paper gives an overview of the feasibility of the touch-less interaction in surgery and its possible challenges as well.  

Sunday, April 3, 2016

20160403 Article Summary

The Haptic Creature Project: Social Human-Robot Interaction through Affective Touch

The article starts the discussion on the Haptic Creature Project with a brief mention on the lack of attention given to the interaction design concerning touch in comparison with that concerning vision and audition. Then it states that it will focus on mainly four research areas regarding the given project. That includes socially interactive robotics, affect, touch and human-animal interaction.
In its discussion on socially interactive robotics the article says that affect display has been used for social interaction. Yet, this too has been focused primarily on the vision and audition. So their method for affect display is to utilise tactile information. Thus they came up with the idea of "affective touch." However, they found that this has made users feel discomfort in various ways. Thus, they have decided to focus on human-animal interaction. Therefore, the Haptic Creature.
This Haptic Creature has three major design consideration. First is using the modality of touch. Second is having organic design. That is to make it feel real when interacting with it. And the last is zoomorphism. Though it borrows different traits from animals, it does not constrain itself to a single species. 
The main goal of creating this Haptic Creature was to discover "the use of affect touch in socially interactive robotics." And the main focus was on "display, recognition and influence of this form of touch."

"Moon Phrases": A Social Media Facilitated Tool for Emotional Reflection and Wellness

The article introduces its topic by stressing the importance of emotional wellbeing. And it gives examples of the attempts people make to examine and ensure their psychological conditions. It then argues that this examining process should be taken more often and more regularly. It also explains that it should utilise the data which tell the most out of a person's emotional state. Thus it draws a very defined solution that they should use social networking system for checking and ensuring emotional condition for users. The design concept that they came up with is developing this system called "Moon Phrases." This system collects data from Twitter. Through analysing the social interaction displayed in the user's social media behaviour, Moon Phrases helps users reflect on their emotional state and bring about suggestions for their emotional wellness. Basically, Moon Phrases becomes a "behavioural fingerprint" of users.

Sunday, March 27, 2016

20160327 3 Days In Clash Royale

<3 Days In Clash Royale>

My Character

My game name is pegasus. I was asked to create the Google Play ID and they suggested me that I use the name pegasus something. But I accidentally deleted and got this new name "FurryWar106" which I don't quite like. So for the profile, I used "pegasus."

For this game, I am not given any game character. So I write my profile name.

Game Story & Context

As you start the game, you have to finish a series of practice games in order to "train" yourself in this game. So basically that's how you get to familiarise yourself to the game interface.

So with this series of training games what I learned about the game is the following:

You are given cards that help you tumble down the castle. The more and the faster you break down the castles, you win the game.

If you win, you are given a box (wooden, silver and gold). When you open this box you can acquire more cards or can have your card upgraded. And they give you some coins that you can use in the game. When you upgrade cards many times, your level is also upgraded.

How do you use these cards in the game match? Each card requires certain amount of "elixir." During the game you can assign the elixir to a card and place it into the game field.

Conversation with other users

This game only allows participants to join the chatroom only when they are above level 3. The conversation was not allowed because I didn't reach level 3.

20160327 Article Summary

<The Reactable: Tangible and Tabletop Music Performance>

The article gives a brief introduction of the concept of Tangible User Interface (TUI) and how it has been used or expressed in music field. Then it introduces an interactive music device called "Reactable" as one of the most beloved or recognised TUI's among its counterparts. The success of Reactable is illustrated by the fact that a renown artist Bjor has used it in her concerts and that its youtube demo video reaching millions of views. How Reactable works is as follows. Reactable has a round interactive surface on which the performer can place and re-place the pucks. Each puck represent different musical elements and it performs music based on the proximity between the pucks. I think interesting fact about Reactable is its degree of interactivity.  For example, the use of Reactable in  Bjork's concert was somewhat a pre-maculated performance. However, the Reactable concerts have experimented with a more interactive approaches. That is, they have let the music go with the flow as they performed as an impromptu. I don't know what is the better use of this device, but in terms of interaction, I guess the latter one is more meaningful. But with this, I was quite confused about the role of the performer. In Bjork's case, the performer definitely shares his part in creating the performance. However, in the more "interactive" case, the performer's engaging in the performance seams rather questionable. In this case, it seams like the device itself is creating interactivity rather than creating interaction between the performer and the device.

<Presence and Discernibility in Conventional and Non-photorealistic Immersive Augmented Reality>

The article states that Non-Photorealistic rendering (NPR) has been regarded as a powerful medium in creating the feeling of presence in the virtual environment (VE). Considering that the purpose of augmented reality (AR) is ultimately to create a "visually indistinguishable" VE for users, I was a bit confused about the idea of having purposely nonrealistic display in AR and that actually enhancing the experience. But as the article thoroughly explains, users actually feel less immersed to the VE when there is a discernible distinction between the display of reality and that of virtual reality (VR). That is, reducing the distinction and rendering a mixed image of the reality and VR could actually help users feel more immersed into the VE. The use of hAnd to further examine the degree of presence users experience through VE created using NPR, they have conducted a series of experiments. They examined the participants'' behaviour in three different VE modes - conventional, stylised and virtualised. The conventional mode does not have any sort of manipulation. The stylised mode presents a VE with the edges of objects rather highlighted. And the virtualised mode is what we call VE with NPR. The results are as follows. In terms of discernibility, it is found that the more virtualised the scene was the more inaccurate the judgement was. That is, the participants could not distinguish between the real and the virtual objects as the scene became more virtualised in display. This supports the idea that the effect of NPR in VE as enhancing the immersive experience in AR. In the study of presence and usability too, they found the similar result. This allowed the article to conclude that their study on presence proves that the NPR system is effective in creating a seamless experience in AR for users.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

20160320 Digital Memento

I like recording moments. I guess that's why one of the quotes that I like is from one of the most beloved photographer Henry Cartier Bresson: "The Moment! Once you miss it, it's gone, forever." I like keeping records of endless moments of the every day life.

One thing I don't like is listening to my own voice. I actually dislike the way I talk. I've always thought I sound quite annoying. Yet for this project, I decided to use my recordings especially the ones that have my voice in them. And I did this because I wanted to admit that this is also me. This is also the moment that I like to keep. This is also a part of what I like to preserve.

So here it is. A little glimpse of my every day life to me after 10 years.

20160320 Article Summary

<Affordances, Conventions, and Design> by Norman, D.A.

In the article, Norman re-introduces the concept of affordance to his readers in an apologetic manner. He does so because he thinks he has miscommunicated this concept in his previous writing. What he has defined as affordance in his earlier work should have been defined as perceptual affordance. Now, what is the different between "real" and "perceptual" affordance? This is better understood with examples. One example Norman gives is the following. When you put a graphical element on the computer screen, you have not created affordance there. Rather, it is more like a feedback or a perceived affordance that you created. Yes, users may click that graphical element, but that did not afford them to "click." Even without that element, users can click on the screen. The only thing it has made happen is that it added another object to be clicked. That is what perceived affordance does. It directs the affordance. So you can say that perceived affordance "advertises" affordance. 
Then what exactly is affordance? It seems like Norman has accepted its original definition that Gibson came up with. "Affordances are relationships. They exist naturally: they do not have to be visible, known, or desirable." Based on this definition, anything that brings about actions from the actors (that is, either a human or an animal) can be understood as affordance. Now, what should the designers be concerned about affordance when it comes to design then? The designers should focus on using affordance (both perceived and real) to elicit users to think that their actions are "meaningful and useful."

<Human Factors in Computing Systems> by Gaver, W.

Gaver provides wide ranging information about various types of affordances, broadening readers' perspectives. Acknowledging such elements as culture, experience and learning as ones to consider together with affordances, Gaver states that these are information that help users have better grasp of affordances. Such affordances include perceived, sequential, nested, tactile, auditory and so on. And when it comes to affordances, Gaver adds, it's not about one definition of affordance. But it's a combination or the interacted form of affordance that have influence on users. And knowing how to attribute each to the design makes the design "transparent" (that is, better in usability).